I was so honorable for receiving an invitation to join the international delegation to Unlimited Festival. Unlimited Festival is a festival of the arts in the United Kingdom, featuring the best works of disabled artists from England. Since the first time held in 2012, the British Council has worked with Unlimited to connect the producers and art workers who work in the disability sector. Three year programme delivered by the disability-led arts charity, Shape and arts producing organization, ArtsAdmin, and funded by the National Lottery through Arts Council England and Creative Scotland. This year they wanted to go back to do the same with invited representatives of Indonesia to become a delegate. How could I get an invitation?
Last May Jo Verrent visited to British Council Indonesia's office to share a presentation. Her presentation started with an introduction of Unlimited Festival. Moving on Q&A session for Mainstreaming Disability Arts, I asked her about what we should do if Indonesia society had limited awareness towards disability rights. A Director Arts and Creative Industries British Council Indonesia, Adam Pushkin asked me some more questions which related to my youth disability community, Young Voices Indonesia. Obviously, I didn't realize that our conversation began to pull their decision to recommend me as one of Indonesian delegates.
I visited to Unlimited Festival in Southbank Centre with Hana Alfikih (well known as Hana Madness) from 6 - 11 September 2016. I brought my own sign language interpreter from America, Sean Hauschildt, you can click here : https://www.britishcouncil.id/en/uk-indonesia-2016-18/our-stories/hana-madness-annisa-rahmania-at-unlimited-festival-london I truly enjoyed my flight from Jakarta to London with transited in Singapore because there were accessible visual information boards for me as Deaf. Even though I was with hearing friend, some many times I catched information more quick than her.
- Talkshow : History and Context of Disability Arts in the UK
Jo Verrent was speech "What's Change - gives you a snapshot of what that funding has delivered within the last three years. We've gathered a selection of quotes from articles, press releases, reports, blogs and interviews from the artists, Allies and funders we've worked with to show you have Unlimited harnessed the enthusiasm and energy of the UK cultural sector and supported 103 talented artists to achieve extraordinary art. So, what's change?" Next, a CEO of Shape, Tony Heaton presented a quick introduction to the social model of disability.
Disability in social model perspective are an ordinary part of life, experience of social oppression due to having an impairment and reflects the full diversity of humanity. In addition, there are kind of invisible disabilities, such as bipolar, tourette syndrome, stammer mouth, etc.
I learned that lunch networking is important time of this event because we can expand relation and get new references with new friends from another countries
- Film : Denise Saul's Silent Room - A Journey of Language
It is a video poem installation and a reflection of speech disability called aphasia. Silent room invites the audience to pay attention to mostly ignored experiences of speech disorder and consider how silence is a powerful theme in language breakdown. Silent room encourages greater arts participation use a variety of communication methods including gesture, writing and pictures to create poetry using film.
It truly inspires me as a video making lover. I think Indonesian youth disability community ought to make film documentary to show how the struggle they get the rights for reaching equality in any aspects
- Performance : Candoco - You and I know
Candoco Dance Company, the company of disabled and non-disabled dancers, is delighted to have dancers - Joel Brown and Laura Patay, in a new romantic duet told through a series of vignettes set across time. Danced with passion and sensitivity to a collection of pop songs, Joel and Laura offer audiences a potent and emotive exploration of how we fall in and out of love over and over, often with the same person. You and I Know will throw out the rule book and inspire audiences around who can dance and what dance can be.
I am impressed how skilful Joel Brown play his wheelchair. Even, I'm thinking about how to get experienced choreographer and open inclusive dance class for Indonesian children with Deaf or pyshical disability or wheelchair. It will be difficult for me to reach my goal without grant support.
- Performance : The Way You Look (at Me)
Open, tactile, dynamic, strong, gentle. Mobile. Moving. These are only a couple of words that were on my mind while watching The Way You Look (At Me) Tonight, a piece devised and performed by leading UK disability artist Claire Cunningham and international choreographer Jess Curtis.
They combined performance, music and video to wrestle (sometimes literally) with important questions about their habits and practiced of perceiving each other and the world. Cunningham dances with her crutches in a beautiful way, and Curtis’ attention and presence is very gripping.Their conversational approach allows all spectators to engage and relate; due to their down-to-earth, almost confessional manner they successfully avoid the dangers of patronising or alienating their audience.
It reminds me of performance collaboration between Deaf Art Community with Beatbox Jogja. It definitely cool. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kQtq78afMU4
- Jess Thom - Stand Up , Sit Down , Roll Over
@touretteshero new stand up performance as part of Unlimited Festival didn't disappoint. She had the crowd roaring with laughter and shoes off! Jess has tourette syndrome, a condition that makes her say biscuit 16,000 times a day. Stand Up, Sit Down, Roll Over is a work in progress from a comedian whose unique neurology makes it impossible for her to stay on script.
- Noemi Lakmaier - Cherophobia
Cherophobia was available as live streaming from St. Leonars Chruch - Shoreditch High Street, London. Cherophobia was a 48 hour durational living installation in which the artist's bound and immobilised body will be lifted by 20,000 helium balloons. When I watched Cherophobia, I was meeting a Cambodia Sign Language (Deaf) researcher, Tasha Bradford. Unfortunately, we couldn't wait to watch Noemi upraised because we might to attend another talkshows.
Thus, I was thankful that I saw some pictures of cutted final scenes and learnt a bit about Cherophobia already. Cherophobia was a performance and a gathering, a one - off event that connects people through shared suspense and anticipation. It takes its title from a psychiatric condition defined as an exaggerated fear. Using everyday materials and her own body, she constructs temporary living installations which she explores the psychological implications of power and feelings of self-doubt.
- Unfixed : A Conversation
Unfixed was a creative research residency that brings together Deaf and disabled British and Australian artists. Through the lens of art and technology they investigated the characterisation of bodies as disabled. "We never try to limits artists. There isn't one way for a disabled artist to make work." Jo said.
Aidan Moesby created responsive artistic interventions to encourage personal and team dialogue. "I'm not telling people how to feel about my work. I like to create an itch they still can't scratch a few days later .." Aiden said. Jane Gauntlett produced interactive live experiences that explore ideas of empathy, neurology and accessibility. Daniel Savage investigated the influence and effect of perception through digital and installation work. All three discussed about how they tackle issues of language and perception their different artistic practices.
This is my favourite talk show. After following this talk show, I get the chance for having Q&A with David. His installation make me admire of his effort to show that do not change our mind after knowing our disability.
- Unlimited Launch Party
"They success of Unlimited gives us confidence to deepen our investment
in work by Deaf and disabled artists" - Simond Mellor, Arts Council England Worker
"Without the artists, there would be no Unlimited" - Manick Govind, Producer of ArtsAdmin
"We have seen an explosion of interest in the work of UK's Deaf and disabled artists on a unprecedented scale" - Neil Webb, Director of Theatre and Dance

Spirit of 2012 has significantly increased our funding to Unlimited Impact from 500,000 pound to just under a million, and we are extending our support for a further three and a half years until 2020.
We are absolutely thrilled to be supporting a new generation of talented young artists to get your first professional commissions, to create fantastic new work and show the world what you are capable of.
- The Generation Gap
This session, speakers discussed about given the number of initiatives and projects targeted at young disabled people entering the arts, is it a brave new accessible world - or is history simply repeating itself? Is the cultural sector succeeding in meeting the ambitions of young disabled people?
" It's harder to be taken seriously, if you happen to have a disability "
an artist of The Agency, Tom Wentworth mentioned.
an artist of The Agency, Tom Wentworth mentioned.
" Embracing a greater diversity of talent enriches performances for all audiences "
an artist of Stratford East, Kate Lovell mentioned too.
an artist of Stratford East, Kate Lovell mentioned too.
- Cutting corners- thriving or surviving a disabled artists?
"With little financial support, can disabled artists survive? Come and discuss the possibilities. As new government cuts to disabled people meet continued cuts to the arts, does this increasingly make being a disabled artist an impossible task?" This panel explores the impact these cuts are already having on the creative community and the innovative ways artists are creating work in response.
We disability must be involve ourselves in working with governments. In Indonesia, a Deaf young adult man called Surya Putra has succeed made new history to become the first disability who accepted to working (internship) for Jakarta governor a few months ago, thus, his relation with governor started influencing the awareness of important people for helping people with disabilities by giving (not cutted) financial support. What the biggest deal is!
- Are some more equal than others?
Their panel discussed the equality, access and opportunity in related to the arts. "My job is to open a door and jam a crutch in it" Claire Cunningham was talking about advocacy and leadership. They examined training, creation, distribution and audience across art forms, including performance, visual arts, broadcast media and music. "Do disabled artists working in certain art forms get more opportunities than in others?"
I personally agree with it. In Indonesia, mostly young disabilities have good skill in performance, however limited inclusive class outside special needs school limits any chance.
- Just A Few Words
Grapple with the awkward trials of self-expression in this darkly comic one-man play by StammerMouth. Just a few words to say how you feel. Shouldn't take long. Except Nye-Russell-Thompson has a stammer. Seeing as timing is not his strong point, he thought it would be helpful to write his thoughts on 140 A3 cards, but now they won't stop interrupting him. Aww! this is my favourite performer. Look into the mind of a person who stammers in this performance, which was nominated for a total theatre award at Edinburgh Festival Fringe 2015 (upload his video soon).
I'm sure Indonesian citizen didn't even know about invisible disability, such as stammer mouth. Thus, if there are Indonesian children with invisible disability, please let them explore and show their NEW talent, Indonesia citizen will learn to more respect their special needs.
- The Musical - Assisted Suicide
" On 11 September 2015, MPs voted overwhelmingly against legalising assisted suicide. Opinion polls would have you believe that the majority of the UK population believe it's a humane choice to legalise assisted suicide for terminally ill or disabled people, but Liz Carr and many other disabled people disagree. Confronting the lack of creative work exploring this most topical taboo, she joins director - Mark Whitelaw and composer - Ian Hill and a cast of performers to express an important and often unheard perspective through the medium of musical theatre "
Assisted Suicide: The Musical provokes and entertains in equal doses, moving in turns from a Butlin’s Redcoat aesthetic, to the hospital hoist, to the conference room and then to a sparser stage where Carr is very at home in direct engagement with her audience.
Changing tempo from in-depth dialogue to unashamed entertainment, at its core the show is essentially about our shared humanity and how we navigate the turbulent waters of understanding what it means to be a disabled person in today’s society.
The denouement shows a reflective side of Liz Carr with the sweet, melodic duet that she has with herself via a screen persona. ‘Close the Door’ gives her the chance to express the inner-turmoil around personal confrontations that her campaigning has opened up for her.
My youth disability community called Young Voices Indonesia love musical theatre. Unfortunately, mostly friends with blind and wheelchair get the chance to improve and show their song performance already. I hope someday founders of theatre will be willing to support friends with blind and wheelchair to collaborate with Deaf friends in making first musical theatre by providing experienced choreographer.
- Nama Ato : Japanese Outsider Art
Takako Shiraiwa from Atelier Corners discussed about the playful 'Makoot' dolls of Makoto Okawa. Makoto passed away in early 2016, Takako shared a tears story that "Once he started producing, his facial expression changed completely and his sincere attitude and power of concentration created his own world, away from others. During his Makoot production, he put life into a block of wool, one after another, with an outstanding sense of speed. His work continues to communicate with us all"
- Doorways Project
Hear about Bekki's research and the process of making the work and joined her and Shiri in discussing attitudes towards homelessness, the role of art as social commentary and the wider political and cultural context was my super new lesson!
Inspired by her experience of life on the streets, Bekki Permian's sound installation explores homeless culture through the personal stories of society's most silenced people. Her research- based work investigates issues of homelessness and mental health and has been shown across the UK and internationally.
"If homeless people ask you about what is time now, it doesn't mean they ask your money. They only want to make sure that doesn't time for doing something"
"Catch the stories it in hidden corner" #DoorwaysProject

After Hana and I turn, Belinda and Mariska Febriyani from Ballet Indonesia Foundation visited Unlimited Festival in Tramway , Glasgow - Scotland, from 15 - 21 September 2016 https://www.britishcouncil.id/unlimited-menurut-ballet-id.
WISH US LUCK for making new collaborations soon :D
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