Everyone wants to have best friends and so on me Among many awesome friends I have met in three continents, only two people are the most loyal friend in my life. They are Cristo and Revita. We have been friends since we were in Kindergarten. We entered the same school and class. We did anything together.
We have different background, tribes, religions and skills
- Cristo is a Deaf child of hearing adult and doesn't have sibling. Revita is a Deaf child of hearing adult and has two brothers. And I am a Deaf child of Deaf adult and don't have sibling.
- Cristo is Chinese and Catholic. Revita is Sumatran and Christian. Nia is a mix Javanese-Sumatran and Muslim with hijab.
- Cristo is clever in cooking and making creatives! However he prefer doctor world to another world. Revita loves eating, so she takes major of Food Technology now. They said that I am perfectionist, hardworking and good in socialising and analysing.
We studied at the different Deaf Elementary Schools. They were in Catholic Deaf school – Pangudi Luhur. Recently, Revita and family followed her father to move to Sumatra for official duty. However I was in general Deaf school – Santi Rama. I was the one and only a child who completed acceleration class around 3 years earlier, then I chose to enter hearing school for first time in Islamic Junior High School as a new challenge. I began to focus on myself because I had weekly test. 2000s is year when we didn’t have handphone, so we used the help of our companions for calling. The longer, less and less time we lost communication.
Next, we started learning about the meaning of friendship and love. Revita chose to spend time with her hearing classmates for keep fluently of learning process. Cristo was not sensitive towards love life yet. Reverse with Cristo, I wasted quite time for on-off friendship and love triangle with another friends. So, I was becoming alone and hide away from those friends. Therefore, I was hang out with new friends of Pangudi Luhur. I didn’t realize that they would bring me back to place where my best friend around is. “Hey! Long time no see” Cristo clapped me. “Revita will back to Jakarta soon. We should be ready for a little reunion again” We exchanged phone number and went scatter. Definitely, conversation at a glance!
DUFAN - in English, World of Fantasy – the biggest game area in Indonesia. It’s been too long since we’ve gone together. Finally, we went there without our companion for first time! Did you know? As usual, best friends who met only once or twice two years without chat in any social media, they could be nervous for be reunited. Fortunately, we didn't! We enjoyed so much.. We looked back our togetherness at Dufan when we were kids. In afternoon, our companion texted us for going home soon but we delayed time. When Dufan closed, we were feeling unmood and made our walking slow motion.
In 2012, Cristo joined his program of CCEI to America for one month. He learnt about the awareness towards environment. He stayed at host family's. His host family called Band family. He felt so comfortable with them. He loved how Americans work and involve him in a team by interpreting him without a command of leader's. Therefore, he chose me, Revita, Surya and Phieter as his team for make a contribution after he finished joining that program. We worked so hard and made such a successful project in 5 months. Three of them were disappear quickly then. Except me. Since it happened, we both started trying to realise our unlimited ideas, such as :
- I made an appointment for visiting U.S. Embassy library even though it was uneasy
- Cristo introduced me to US Embassy staff - Mrs. Reni, so he always got two invitation for attending any events @america
- click here
The longer, more and more, he knew me inside and outside. He gave me anything! He surprised me on every my birthday with different way. First, he was lying that he couldn’t come to my seventeen birthday, but actually he came then. Second, he surprised in midnight with handmade birthday big cake with his two friends (also my friends LOL). Third, he sent me a bouquet of sunflower through a postman. His all surprise made me so speechless. What touch days were! Well done........ I love surprise!
On his second year of college, he told me that he changed his major of English studies to major of Biology already. In the addition, he used all time for preparing himself to going study in America. I curiously asked “why did you enthusiast going back there. Please stop imagine too high” He cutted the conversation. “You should go to America then. You will be understand” A few weeks later, Dr. Mason Global offered program of USA-Indonesia Deaf Youth Leadership Exchange. Cristo and I followed the selection with more than fifty people. Sadly, he was eliminated out and I was selected be one of eight Indonesia delegates. As usual, we were sure that this is a good plan of Allah’s.
In the middle of my program in New York, he video-called me. From other part of the world, he showed the paper with typed “accepted 2 RIT” on his hands with smiling widely. His nice smile turned into a mocking smile so fast. He was tempt me to admit my new love for the U.S. because the attitude of American people were more respect and encourage me to take role which I like. I miss for living around international friends with a variety tribes in the state full of accessible services. Above all, I matched the U.S. time.
My bad, I forgot where is our photo were doing video call
Beside my busy time for program of USA - Indonesia Deaf Youth Leadership program, Revita's busy time for her final classes, and Cristo's busy time for preparing himself to study in America, we were strive for spending time each other. Times flew so fast! Oh no, no.. We were so not ready for him to go! (nervous) Three months left! There is still much time hahaha :') Oh our bad, we didn't have new photo of us LOL. Come on, keep smiling..
Three weeks left! We went for a walk around Ancol. We did wacky things and made silly faces. We were planning to join at Cristo's farewell party and spend a full night before dropped Cristo at Soekarno Hatta airport on July 23, 2016. What a funny situation! Some more of his friends were busy for talking in groups. Cristo made a grumpy face and said "Look at around us! They seemed don't feel lose me" He said. Revita and I followed his command then we realized that we both were always calling Cristo to join us. Aw!
When the day came, I was forgetting that Selena Gomez was there around Jakarta for her concert and Revita had to facing a bit problem. However, our pajamas party kept continuing. We shared our stories each other. No secret for us :') We also teached Revita how to video call by face time/skype at the same time. The next day, we had dinner. Quiet and weird. Cristo looked at me and Revita alternately. We looked back him. Awkward. “I am gonna miss you both!” he closed eyes and cried. 2 seconds. We had big hug already :’)
what a cute grandma was! oops
"This dude is one of my few best friends who I have known for more than 16 years is leaving in just a few days to go to New York to continue his education for his Bachelor Degree :'( I am so not ready for him to go but I am overjoyed that he will get the opportunity to experience what life has to offer. Alex, I love you so much and thank you for being my best friend all those years. I am so proud of your accomplishments and I pray that you will continue to do amazing things. Best of luck and I will not say good bye but that I will see you again :) <3" - a beautifuly written from another woman with waardenburg syndrome for her best friend who go to RIT at the same year
What a small world is! I was glad to see my kind-hearted African leader man from Rochester Institute of Technology University - Bakar Ali who brought Cristo at his house for a night before orientation time and my roommate in Ubud - Alesia Allen welcomed him there. In addition, Cristo made me have a good conversation with a multicultural man, Tobin Zolkowski in Indonesia Language.

Previously, if there anything made me shock or cry, he would call me first and made sure me okay. He usually became more proctetive if he know anyone was trying to hurt me. He came to meet me in (always) right time. He knew how to be my mood booster. Well said. Obviously, I feel more lonely without the attendance of him here. Because I hardly meet Revita here! Luckily, when Cristo and I tried to video calling by FaceTime oh blur, we were moving to skype oh disconnected and reconnecting frequently. It directed him to send the link of video call tool for downloaded. Maa Shaa Allah it would better.
Guess what! List of contact person in our Duo Lingo is only one person LOL
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