The U.S. Embassy in Indonesia and Dr. Mason Global, by partnering with Deaf, and hard of hearing people from the U.S. and Indonesia, is organizing a youth leadership cultural exchange program focused on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD).
During the first phase of the program, youth leaders from the U.S. will travel to Indonesia for 14 days to engage, dialogue, participate in panel discussions with Deaf youth, community leaders and government officials in Indonesia. The second phase of the program will bring Deaf youth from Indonesia to U.S. for 14 days to attend the United Nations meeting on CRPD and experience how the American with Disabilities Act has impacted the lives of people with disabilities in the U.S.
Indonesia Participants
Panji Surya Putra Sahetapy
- Although Surya was born to famous parents, he has decided to use his platform to raise awareness about issues surrounding the Deaf community in Indonesia.
- Surya has used his newfound fame to draw greater attention to the Deaf community and their desire for greater access education, sign language and human rights.
Phieter Angdika
- He works at the University of Indonesia Sign Language Research Center allows him to act in a capacity beyond research to developing materials for sign language training, development of dictionaries and training in Deaf Studies research.
- He spends his free time providing free lessons in sign language to all who wish to learn, educates the Deaf community about their rights as per the UNCRPD and serves as a board member for the PLJ (Sign Language Interpreter Service Center).
Ahmad Fajar
- He is the Headmaster of the one and only bilingual school for the Deaf in Indonesia - The Little Hijabi Homeschooling in Bekasi.
- She works as an administrative staff member of the financial firm Lumina Technologies International.
- She is an active member of the Bali Deaf Community and teaches sign language.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Indhira Imandari (Riri)
- She is a college student of Yogyakarta State University, majoring in Arts and Crafts.
- Since 2011, she has been active in the Deaf Art Community (DAC) in Jogjakarta
Adhi Kusuma Bharoto
- He is a sign language researcher and linguistic, so he works in the Laboratorium Bahasa Isyarat (LRBI) under the University of Indonesia.
Ade Wirawan Putra
- He won the title of Mister Deaf Asia and Mister Deaf Congeniality International at the Miss and Mister Deaf International pageant competition.
USA Participants
Leah Katz-Hernandez
- She works at the West Wing Receptionist for the U.S. President ( ROTUS )
- She graduated in Bachelor of Government at Gallaudet University and Master of Communication at America University
- She has been making the world of professional communication strategy and public services more accessible to people with disabilities for a long time
Michael Steven Stein
- Earned PhD of Law at Harvard University
Dr. Shazia Siddiqi
- The Executive Director of Deaf Abused Women's Network
- Bachelor of Molecular and Cell Biology at Darmouth College
- Master of Public Health at University of California
- Medicine of doctor at St. George's University
Alesia Allen
- Currently she completed of her doctoral degree in Clinical Psychology at Rochester Institute of Technology
- She is a professor of Psychology at RIT
Justin Leblanc
- He is an Assistant Professor at North Carolina State University in Department of Art and Design
- He was a finalist on the U.S. Television series Project Runway
- He is a frequent speaker on promoting equal access and respect for those with disabilities
Joshua Josa
- Program Analyst the U.S. for International Development in the E3/ED's Office of Education
- Master of International Development at Gallaudet University
- He is passionate about education and the empowerment of marginalised population
Chanel Gleicher
- Bachelor of Communication Studies at Gallaudet University
- Master of Project Management at Northeastern University
- She works as the Federal Relay Marketing Outreach Specialist for Spirit Relay
Allie Rice
- Bachelor of Science, majoring Professional and Technical Communication at RIT
- She is focus on improving the quality of education and resources for underprivileged Deaf children, young adults and parents in Africa and Asia
Randee Pascall-Speights
- Bachelor of Liberal Art at University of Alaska Anchorage
- Earned Certified Deaf Interpreter (CDI) as a freelancer worker in the U.S.
Eric Paul Setzer
- He recently graduated from Gallaudet in May 2016.
- He is a member of the U.S. Deaf Men's National Soccer Team. He lettered four years in men's soccer while a student-athlete.
Jakarta - Jogjakarta - Bali
3 January 2016
- Off to a great start getting to know our peers in Indonesia as part of USA-Indonesia Deaf Youth Leadership, Cultural Exchange, & Human Rights Program. Amazing people who are rising leaders in their community! We explored Jakarta and ate delicious food at Deaf Indonesian family home. Annisa - terima kasih! by Shazia Siddiqi
- The USIndodeaf team together after dinner at Nia, an Indonesian delegate, and her family's home. We were served fried bananas, rambutan, chicken satay, fried rice, buttered vegetables and melons! (Nia is the one in green at the front row, next to her parents to her right.) by Joshua Josa
Below this photo described how happy
Allie and I became roommate!
Before going to sleep, we shared a lot of topic,
such as life, tribes, perspective etc ..
She is a half Egypt and Native America person!
4 January 2016
Over tea at the Ambassador’s Residence, the Acting Ambassador, Brian McFeeters, and his wonderful staff welcomed 10 young Deaf Americans and their eight Indonesian counterparts participating in the first deaf exchange conducted by Embassy Jakarta.

Next, Surya and I took them to Jakarta Old Town (in Indonesia language : Kota Tua) by riding TransJakarta bus which was a fun experience. American delegations enjoyed learning BISINDO and shared lots of laughter! Jakarta History Museum was housed on the original town hall of 17th-century Batavia, the capital of Dutch East Indies and centre of the Asian spice trade.
The most valuable lesson I got
is helping Allie as a vegetarian to choose her best food such as no fish, no mix vegetable with meat :) and recommending Americans to not eat at street vendor for avoiding stomach problem as new strangers who stay at Jakarta for a few days .
5 January 2016
We had an informative morning meeting and sharing with the Director of Social Rehabilitation for People with Disabilities (Mr. Nahar) - an exceptional human being who sincerely cares about disability/Deaf issues.
We discussed about social services for
the Deaf, disability laws, early intervention,
and bilingual education. All people, regardless
of disability, have dreams and wishes to be treated
as equal productive members of society
- We traveled to the famous Fingertalk cafe. The cafe employees are all Deaf who do a variety of jobs from cooking, hosting and creating goods to sell that showcase the talents of people with disabilities. Over 50 members of the Deaf community came to join us at the cafe to feast and talk with us. It was an amazing day. A humbling day. An extraordinary day. Words cannot describe how amazing it was for all of us. by Michelle
- Wow! I am just humbled at today's experience in Indonesia. We went to the Finger Talk Café which is run by all Deaf, Hard of Hearing, and Deaf-blind people. Food was delicious, hospitality was awesome, and we Americans are superstars. I have never had so many photo requests in all of my life. Wow! by Alesia Allen
6 January 2016
It was a rare opportunity and honor to have the Minister of Social Affairs (akin to US Secretary of Health and Human Services) come to our seminar which was attended by over 250 people. Our workshops about education and interpreting were jam-packed with many eager to learn best practices in teaching Deaf children and how to use and train interpreters. Excellent day!
We met the staff of The Little Hijabi school,
the only bilingual school for the Deaf in Indonesia.
They operate with limited funds with whatever parents can
give and struggle to sustain a center for 25 children.
The staff is doing amazing work from
the goodness of their hearts!
Same as usually, Surya and I were a great team
in guiding Americans. We took them to
restaurant of Garuda which located in Jl. Hayam Wuruk.
They really enjoyed PADANG (well known as Minangkabau) food!
There were satay, perked (wrecked potato),
tahu, tempe, toge, RENDANG <3 etc
7 January 2016
We went to the US Embassy in Jakarta to meet with amazing people from Education USA, USAID and Regional English Language Office (RELO) to hear about the work they do and ways they can collaborate with the Deaf community in Indonesia to improve access to resources and information for higher education and other programs [abroad].
Below this photo described what a down-to-earth woman is!
She hugged me because she was more feeling regret
that I couldn't join next trip to Jogjakarta.
8 - 9 January 2016
Even though I didn't follow them to continue trip to Jogjakarta, I am sure they enjoyed exploring the Indonesia historical place through magic photos which they chose for promoting Indonesia on their own social media
- "One of my favorite photos from the entire trip so far with Eric surprising me in this photo that was supposed to be solo. Here, we are at one of the most ancient mosques in Yogyakarta with five stairways representing the five pillars of Islam." by Josh
"borobudur temple, yogyakarta, indonesia" by Chanel
"Never travel without the I Love You tote. :-) #Indonesia" by Justin
"#nofilter #yogyakarta #usaindodeaf" by Leah
"By the most beautiful Buddhist temple in the world." by Leah
Awesome performance by the Deaf Art Community.
We watched the story of Rama Shinta and how they overcame the evil focrces that would keep them apart. Lovely. Beautiful" by Michelle
Jogjakarta Deaf local friends and Eric played football
- Kuda Lumping is a traditional form of performing arts in Indonesia, using a flat bamboo-woven horse to tell many different stories through dance. I saw a wonderful performance by a deaf theater group in Yogyakarta and was honored to be gifted with a real, original Kuda horse! I named the horse Yogyakarta after the city he is from (Jogja for short). I brought him back to the United States as a cultural exchange diplomat representing the very finest of Indonesian performing arts. Welcome to Washington DC, Jogya! by Leah Katz
10 January 2016
Arrived in Bali, we visited to fashion shop
to buy local wrap cloth for keeping our politeness
in visiting honoured places
11 January 2016
- "Did something I never thought in my life would happen... Descended a volcano with NO SHOES!! Didn't plan it this way but I'm glad for the memory now!" Leah in group A
- "Peace way to the rice field by interacting with Bali local farmers" Nia in group B
- "Again when I get a moment I will post more picture in an organized way...but I just wanted to say that I swam all afternoon/evening in what felt like paradise!" Alesia in group C
12 January 2016
Today was such a beautiful day. We went to the Deaf village in Bengkala. There was many families who bear deaf children generation after generation. However, most have had no access to formal education and many work as farmers or woodcutters. They have a brand of sign language that is both unique and incomprehensible-at least to those outside the community. They were happy to meet and eat and do art projects with us and we with them, especially the five deaf children at a local school. We wanted them to realize what education can achieve for their deaf sons and daughters. That barriers could be broken through continuous study. Moreso than that we tried to build relationships in such a short amount of time. It was heartbreaking and yet inspiring as well. Though they haven't got what we have, they have something we really need and that's a strong community. We need to be neighbors to each other despite our differences, despite our prejudices. We need to meet each other where we are and hope for the best. Bengkala for many is just a side show. A local Balinese attraction. For us it was an attempt at an investment in the future of its small population of deaf youth. Though we donated some resources, we realize that there is so much more they need. Deaf teachers to volunteer, educational/curricular resources, money for lunch beyond next year when what we gave runs out. If you are interested in making an investment or learning more, let me know. I'll connect you with a credible and worthy source. (a true written by Michelle)
13 January 2016
All family of Americans's worried when there was news of Jakarta got bombed!
"Hi everyone, we are currently in Bali where we have visited 4 deaf schools and have met with the deaf community here. Bali is about 2 hours flight from Jakarta, which is on the Java island. We are all safe and thank you for your messages of concern. Here is a picture of us with a group from one of the schools yesterday." by Leah Katz
"Thanks for all your concern! All delegates of USA-Indonesia Deaf Youth Leadership program are fine and safe in Bali. We just wrapped up our last day today with visiting several Deaf schools and Deaf community. It has been very inspiring and awesome sharing so much of our experiences and knowledge with each other. Here is a picture of the Deaf schools we visited in Bali. More to come soon!"
14 January 2016
We had a ton of fun at Lumina's Sushrusa School for the Deaf in Bali. It was a great morning with the cute kids. The Deaf Youth Leaders had he opportunity to play with the kids and educate parents on how best to support deaf children and set them on the path to success. It was important that parents and teachers were exposed to Deaf role models so they can create dreams for their children that exceed society's expectations for them.

After teaching time, I played joking with an American guy, then I started facing the most scared arguement with him on the way back to hotel. He didn't accept my own perspective which in his perspective is satirise LGBT - Lesbian Gay Bixesexual Transgender. Actually, I truly never heard explanation or talked about LGBT before. However, I had to understand what was going on his mind towards LGBT. Again, he made me shock that he was a gay who acts and has fashion style like gentleman (awkward moment). Before we going for a walk to different place, he was let me for thinking like a wise thinker.
"Among American men, he was coming first when I needed urgent help. I felt more close with him. It would be not unfair for changing good respond become bad response if I have known his true identity already" in my mind when I explored beaches with a few friends
On the way back hotel for spending togetherness by watching sunset was a beautiful evening to say see you later. I felt so grateful that I had a new perspective. I continued keeping my faith as Muslim and our friendship with LGBT-ers at the same time as long as we together would not bothering our identity each other.
- - - Exchange flights - - -
Today, we fly out from Jakarta to Japan for the first leg of our journey home. It has been an incredible trip, with an amazing delegation from both USA and Indonesia. I have greatly, deeply appreciated the opportunity to understand Indonesia on a deeper level and the deaf community's issues here at the same time. Every member of the delegation has so much to offer and I look forward to welcoming my Indonesia peers to the United States in a few more months! (Americans)
Our friendship will stronger through hand-writing
with full of heart, In Shaa Allah
We Indonesians Deaf are ready
for growing up to become better leaders
by learning all new anything.(Indonesians)

From Washington to New York
6 June 2016
We visited to the first place is the U.S. Department State for meet Judith Heuman. She is a famous leader in the disability community. She has been appointed Special Advisor for International Disability Rights at the U.S. Department of State. She also has served for 4 years as the first adviser on disability and development at World Bank.
Mostly in our conversation, she gave us any more specific and logic solution, such as she made sure that I as a chairwoman of disability youth community have known about new updated CRPD issue already.
Next, we visited National Association of the the Deaf (NAD) and met Chief Executive Officer of NAD, Howard Rosenblum. We learned a lot of knowledge about history and values of NAD and its deaf community in the US, as well as deaf gain lesson by Dr. Dirksen Bauman from Gallaudet University.

- #ramadanmubarak While a certain someone is making history tonight, I was at my parents' house showing our Indonesia deaf youth leaders the American suburbia (this IS a cultural exchange program, after all). We waited until 8:34 for the sun to go down for our and then feasted on barbecued chicken, corn on the cob with butter, rolls, salad, and had an apple pie with vanilla ice cream for dessert. I showed the Christian, Hindu, and Muslim delegates our Hanukkah menorah and a wine cup. My parents talked about how happy they are to receive the Indonesia delegation at our family house and how proud they are of their leadership in Indonesia. On the way back to DC, I realized that our middle-class hometown had been identified as the most ethno-racially diverse in the United States. I definitely feel good about the future of the United States and about the future of Indonesia, as well. What a special memory that I will treasure forever! by Leah Katz
Leah and her family were warmly welcome us!
dessert : apple pie with ice cream and fruits
I called wrecked avocado for "guacamole"
Damn Josh, he challenged me for eat it and
I was not liking it for first time,
but for now, I like :)
7 June 2016
We truly enthusiasted visiting to NASA's Goddard Space Flight Centre.
- 4 from 15 Deaf workers in NASA we met
- The best part of their job is working with hearing fellow engineers to solve problems as a team
- The keywords are hardworking and showing their skills
Obviously, I was feeling so honorable while the Indonesia Ambassador, Mr. Budi Bowoleksono acknowledged that he is a good friend of my uncle Henki's. Not only him, I was also proudly delivering a box of Luwak coffee of aunt's for her brother in law, Mr. Arto Suryodipuro (co-Indonesia Ambassador).
Looking for more photos on Indonesia Embassy in DC
8 June 2016
We visited to American University - where Leah received her master degree to meeting with Dr.Derrick Coburn and Dr.David Morrisey at Institute on Disability and Public Policy's office. It's the learning centre which offered master degree program about Disability and Public Policy.
With founding support from the Nippon Foundation, the International on Disability and Public Policy contributes to the vision of an inclusive, barrier free and rights based global society and pioneered the world's first virtual master's degree program in disability policy, offered by American University's School of International Service.
Session of Question-Answer
- I asked a question to Dr David "How I raise awareness of people with disability to more active?"
- He responded "The average of youth disability are still in the growth of confidence, so we should motivate them to do something. Last but no least, we should ask them (friend of the community) for cooperation, we would result in many benefits"
We visited to US Agency of International Development (USAID) where Josh works. We met a partner of Josh's, called Leah Maxson. She serves as a Democracy Fellow for Disability Rights. She works to advance inclusive development programs and practices within the Agency and its field missions. She has experience as a community organiser in school for the Deaf in Africa, Asia and America Latin.
- USAID works for ending global poverty and providing the resilience and democratic society to maximize their potential.
- Indonesia delegations learned about how to connect with USAID in Indonesia and the financial aid of the U.S. foreign for advancing the importance of Deaf and improving the lives of the developing country.
I hope I will be part of this in the future aamiin
9 June 2016
Honestly, entering the White House is not very easy as you think. However, the delegations and I could enter the White House easily because of there was a woman of our delegations who worked as the Receptionist of The U.S. (ROTUS). Thank you Leah for hosting us at the East Wing Room which Michelle Obama works and explaining what's story behind a few rooms and paintings.
After passing three inspection area,
we were succeed to enter inside.
Green room served as
President Thomas Jefferson's dinning room.
Red room has been used as a music room,
a first's lady's sitting room and a setting
for small diners and receptionist
Next, we had our excellent discussion with the White House policy staffs and advisors of Disability and Security, Maria Town (a brilliant woman with disability in walking balance). In our discussion, we talked about studying in the U.S , the status of disability's rights in the U.S. and Indonesia, and the impact of the arts on the Deaf community and other disability.
In the fact, many people with disabilities who can work
in the White House. Due of the reason,
the U.S. has advanced and equipped accessibility
of the needs of the people with disabilities.
We were invited by the Indonesia Ambassador to breakfasting at Embassy Republic of Indonesia Residence which located in 2700 Tilden Street, NW Washington D.C. 2210. We Indonesians were also glad to answer any questions of important government officials or Indonesian young diploma's which related with sign language. An incredible opportunity to share the Deaf leaders' mission of equal access for the Deaf!
Feel go home already :')
The comfortable living room
"More than a picture, a #selfie is a way to make people join
to make dreams true." by Dr. Asiah
10 June 2016
Dr. Madan Vasisha was lead Grassroots Leadership workshop.We learnt that we must be think harderabout how to do something in specifically.
We had a tour at the Smithsonian Museums which was lead by Chanel.Smithsonian National Museums were accessible for Deaf and wheelchair user. Unfortunately, I'm not sure about how to access for blind yet.
The group of Deaf Indonesian delegates visited a mosque in Virginia that hosts a Deaf Muslim chapter. The organization Global Deaf Muslim makes the religion more accessible to Deaf Muslims around the world and hosts international conferences on Deaf people in Islam. The organization was founded right here in the United States. They were generous hosts in welcoming us for an iftar, a meal to break the Ramadan fast at the end of the day.
A president of Global Deaf Muslim, Mr. Nashiru said that he has a plan for visiting Indonesia to spread the awareness
about the importance of Islam education access for Deaf.
Riri and I were so glad to get new Muslim friends
11 June 2016
In weekend, we had free time for exploring to Thomas Jefferson memorial, Arlington National Cemetery to see J.F. Kennedy funeral and Alexandria Old Town. Obviously, I got a new experience! While an American hearing staff - Joan Stone was driving, I was looking forward information about direction way from (handphone) maps by using hand-signing.
- Most prominent are the words which are inscribed in a frieze below the dome: "I have sworn upon the altar of God eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man."
- On the three panels of the interior wall are excerpts from the Declaration of Independence,an excerpt from "A Bill for Establishing Religious Freedom", the quotes from multiple sources and the inscription which redacted and excerpted from a letter to Samuel Kercheval.
We Indonesians experienced for attending to the Gay Pride around Dupont Circle , Washington DC for very first time. One hour later, some more Indonesian delegations chose to go dorm because they were tired enough. Three left! Actually, I as a Eastern and Muslim person, I'm not allowed to following this. I was think if I could keep my culture, it would never deprave my faith. So, I continued watching.

When a few friends was ignore(maybe didn't realize too) that I haven't eaten since morning, a gay man (even though new friend) was accompanying me to the market for buying any food <3
Next, we sat down at reserved seats to watch ASL SLAM! It's a space for Deaf performing artists to share poetry and storytelling in American Sign Language. We laughed out loud along night.
12 June 2016
It was a good morning to ride not small not big van for going to New York during 5 hours with four times stops around Maryland, Delware, Pennsylvania, New Jersey. It made me so enjoy seeing a bit difference view on the way, Maa Shaa Allah.. We also enthusiasted visiting the Deaf fashion shop, By Mara - in New York. The Philippines holds a special place in Mara's heart as she was born there and have traveled to the islands a few times since moving to the United States. In her “By Mara” collection, Mara’s designs celebrate deaf culture and history as she aims to increase the public’s awareness. Mara’s designs combine simplicity and elegance with comfort and stylishness.
By Mara's logo represents the hand sign
that says "I Love You" - it is widely known
and used by everyone within the American
Sign Language community.
Feel so grateful to stay here with best view
through window for 4 nights!
13 June 2016
It was our first time for attending and listening to the discussion about how far every countries who involved in National Human Rights Institutions in implementing CRPD at the conference and forum of the United Nations. We were so honored to get full access of UN General assembly.
We are excited to get access the another side
of UN building to meet Indonesia UN Human body art
of disabilities who ratify CRPD for Indonesia.
We Indonesian tried to show our leadership
in talking about disability access in Indonesia
and explaining what we would like to see improve.
14 June 2016
It was real an evidence that our disability movement are strong. We have been building across disability movement and we respect how much our solidarity are. We were hope we will continue to work together and make the rights real for persons with disabilities in Indonesia and around the world. We were honoured to meet the two of members who are disability at the United Nations, Helga Stevens and Adam Kosa. They work as the Deaf European Union Parliament ; it is important or society beyond Europe.
We got an opportunity to meet a president of
World Federation of the Deaf Official, Colin Allen.
15 June 2016
- "I write in appreciation of Dr Asiah who directed the exchange program of young deaf leaders in the United States and Indonesia. Asiah picked a wonderful group of delegates and we all learned so much from each other. She arranged many high-level meetings with government officials in both countries including ambassadors and high-ranking bureaucrats. She also introduced us to many people at the United Nations. She made these meetings happen so that we could share our stories with them and push for the full and equal inclusion of deaf people in society. Asiah was very aware of her status as a hearing individual and always made sure that we took the lead in these meetings. " by Michael Stein
"borrow fake ears doesn't help me for hear anything"
We were honoured to have this meeting with the Indonesian Deputy for the United Nations - Mr. Dian Triansyah. He told us that he heard about us from UN Human body art of disabilities, so that's why he invited us for continue listening our goals. Then he suggested us demanding scholarship and English programs and asking professionals and diplomats to help people who can get things done for Deaf people in Indonesia. He said "International engagement among Deaf youth organization must continue to be promoted to advance empowerment programs."
All delegations was made speechless
by a van with diplomat plat
which took us to Indonesia Deputy's office
Manhattan bridge
New York sightseeing by boat
In the middle of water
Brooklyn bridge
Liberty statue
The coolest Station I've seen
Evening walking at Times Square
Still at Times Square!
9/11 Memorial
Saw fire truck which help 9/11 victims first
Hugged 'Charging Bull'
230 Fifth : Best Heated roof top bar 20th floor lounge
"Show Indonesians what's like to be in NYC night life!!
We surprised Ana's birthday in America style!!" by Randee
Empire building behind me!
Walking in Brooklyn Bridge
Before I got surprised by...
Helga Stevens! She ran towards me to say hello and hug
Went back to hotel by yellow taxi for first time
17 June 2016
American friends took Indonesian delegates to Union Station for taking rent bicycles. We experienced cycling from Union Station to Ronald Reagan Washington Airport where we can watch plane ready for landing from near, then back again to Union Station around 11,6 miles.
Josh was lead us for taking best different rutes for round way :)
Stop at Baked and Wired Shop for refreshing our mind, soul, body! 
"Hands on my heart! Awesome 2 weeks with my Indonesian sisters & brothers! Tonight BBQ to wrap up the exchange program. It is not the end! It's beginning of life lasting friendship & family." by Randee
No words can do justice to all that Asiah has done for us, and we are very thankful to her for the opportunity to participate in the exchange program. I look forward to continuing to work with her and all the amazing delegates in the program. The exchange program was just the beginning of many wonderful things to come. And last but not least, a big thank you to the U.S. Embassy in Jakarta that provided the generous support to make this program happen.
- All delegations of USA - Indonesia Deaf Youth Leadership -